evolutionary biology researcher
Editing quality is very important to me. I regularly submit to high-impact journals, and the language of my manuscripts must be perfect. SJE provides me with quality and fast editing that helps me get published.
— Jorge Soberon, University Distinguished Professor, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Kansas
SJE demonstrates both a high level of editing skill and knowledge of my field of study. They make sure that my writing is clear, concise, and that it maintains an intelligent and professional tone. Their genuine concern for the quality of work - both theirs and mine - makes them an exceptional service.
— Dr. G. Peter Gliebus, Director, Alzheimer's Disease and Cognitive Neurology Center at Capital Health System
medical researcher
dentistry researcher
A very professional and reliable service. The editors communicate well, and the Chief Editor checked in with me personally to make sure that I was completely happy.
— Dr. Caroline Zeller, Professor Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Masters Health Management and Policy, Oregon Health and Science University, Portland, OR
It is so easy to work with SJE. Their editors get in touch with me immediately and offer personalized service that simply can’t be found elsewhere.
— Malena Wiggin, Speech-Language Pathology Researcher
speech-language pathology
I am very satisfied with the services by Science Journal Editors for two reasons: a) They responded immediately and b) They delivered me the work on time (even earlier). I will definitely request their services again.
— Anastasios Manettas, Neurorehabilitation Researcher
I needed professional editing, a quick turnaround, and customized service. SJE was very thorough. My advisor did not find a single error in my entire paper. I wholeheartedly recommend SJE.
— Michael Thiefault, Pharmacy Student, University of Texas

Experienced Editors

Excellent English Editing

Personalized service

qualified academics

We employ some of the best editors in the business. Each of our editors has published research of their own and has edited the English of more than 1,000 manuscripts.

research editors

Our editing includes complete grammar, spelling, and punctuation correction. We also correct syntax and flow for smooth, easy reading.



Our two-person editing teams get in touch with you personally and are dedicated to making sure that you are completely satisfied.